Le mieux-être mental…

Let’s learn from others!

May 6th to the 12th is Mental Health Week and May 7th is National Child and Youth Mental Health Day.

With so many folks and organizations engaging in these conversations within the community, we encourage you to be open to hearing something new, to seeing a different point of view and to finding additional ways to take care yourself too.

Whether you choose to recommit to your existing healthy strategies or open up to trying something new, wellness is a lifelong journey that continually offers us opportunities for growth.

Prenez soin de vous, c’est important et vous êtes important aussi!

Supporting students and teachers in bringing mental health awareness along with positive coping skills into their lives.

Several students sitting together in a line having conversations with each other

Early Years


This testimonial video features early years students and staff from Bertrun E. Glavin School in Winnipeg, MB. Hear about how they’ve embraced Project 11 and learned about their feelings.

Sample Lesson

Middle Years


Enjoy our middle years testimonial video and hear from students and staff about the different elements of the program that have had an impact on their mental wellness habits.

Sample Lesson

High School

High School pilot now complete!

If you are a high school teacher who is interested in delivering our Grades 9-12 curriculum, please fill out the New Registrant form on our REGISTRATION page!

Project 11 High School curriculum coming soon Read More